<<main page


you probably saw this, but i got a chatbox on my site :) its right next to the thing where you can click on my blog posts but maybe someone sent it to you (unlikely)
so basically just pick an username and you can send a message all thanks to cbox
oh and also i found out my page works on windows xp using mypal68 but it dosent see to work on internet exploder

my puter broke (coz of apple's stupid bootcamp tools) so there werent any blogposts for a while, but my dad decided he wants to trade laptops, my laptop for his.
when i get his laptop, im gonna install arch linux on it. im gonna try not to make that my whole personality.
oh? whats that thing above? dont try to read it, its a bunch of bs (except the xp part), i decided to delete the chatbox, it didnt look good on my website.
i got the neocities feed thiny so i might use that and link it on my website.
also i might add a music thingy so when you go to a blog post of mine, music will play, might be flash casanova.
oh and if i add music to the main page i might use the greener instrumental.
anyways, bye!